
Open Commons Organisation


oco principles

  1. Commoning. An oco provides a value for its members as a commons.
  2. Control the means. The means for providing the value is controlled by the oco.
  3. Not-for-profit. An oco does not earn profit for it's members. Any surplus is used within the oco, for helping other ocos or as a signal and opportunity for degrowth.
  4. Egalitarian. The governance of an oco is egalitarian, in the sense that each member is equal to any other member in the governance of the oco. The specific type of governance is up to each oco.
  5. Informal. Since an oco is not a legal entity, it is a planetary form of organization. It has no borders and no national laws controlling it.
  6. Ecological. Ocos are of the planet and strives to sustain and repair it.
  7. Open and voluntary membership. There are no limits as to what type of beings can be part of an oco. The amount of members on the other hand, is governed by principles 1 and 6. In case of overflow, see principle 8.
  8. Multiplying. Ocos will organize, network and multiply through decentral means, on a planetary scale. Services and products necessary for the operation of the oco, are sought in other ocos or coops.
  9. Intersectional feminist. No one lives in abundance until everyone lives in abundance.
  10. Performative. Every oco is created by the being-members, and it can never be formally defined, only performed.